Our Favourite Board Game TikTokers

A bunch of us at Big Potato towers are absolutely hooked on TikTok! Not only do we dabble ourselves, but we also love sharing our funniest finds with each other over Slack (we do work sometimes, honestly). The big bonus for us is discovering tons of talented board game creators, showing off some incredible things on TikTok – this is a list of our absolute favourites.
We’re Playing Games
Maggie, Meg and Chris offer up a smorgasbord of delightful tabletop content. They do how-to-plays, reviews, big and small game recommendations(they had a viral TikTok about Uno!) and so much more. Whatever you watch, they’ll always leave you with a smile on your face.
It’s hard to pick a favourite TikTok of theirs, but their explanation of Concept is wonderfully wholesome.
@wereplayinggames What 👏 A 👏 Concept 👏#PepsiApplePieChallenge #boardgame #tabletop #boardgamegeek #tabletok #partygame #familygamenight #familygamefriday #concept
♬ FEEL THE GROOVE - Queens Road, Fabian Graetz
1minuteboardgames - Phil and Raina
These two are absolutely crushing it on TikTok and have a fair few viral videos under their belts. We LOVE to see the wonders of tabletop being shown to a wide audience, so mad props to them for spreading the good word. We were thrilled when their video on our very own Don’t Get Got graced our FYP – Phil and Raina’s explanation was absolutely fab!
We adore this genuine excitement in their Stardew Valley unboxing.
@1minuteboardgames I’ve never bought something so fast in my LIFE. #stardewvalley #boardgame #tabletop #gamenight #videogame #partygame
♬ Stardew Valley Overture - ConcernedApe
brain_in_a_jar - Kasey
Not actually a brain in a jar, human person Kasey shares all her board gaming adventures on TikTok. We can’t wait for the next instalment of ‘Cube Time’, where Kasey goes through the 32 cubes in her Kallax (they’re the shelves from Ikea that literally everyone has!) Keep an eye out for her mega-cute Sphynx cat, Knuckles, making an appearance here and there too!
We love her picks for some girls night gaming.
@brain_in_a_jar Answer to @zbexx These games are perfect for a fun girl’s night with varying complexities! #bridgerton #girlsnight #gamenight #boardgame #games
♬ Dancing In The Moonlight x Pumped Up Kicks - darcy 🍋
Paula Deming
Yes, the very same Paula of Things Get Dicey fame! You can get more of her comedic tabletop content in bite-sized chunks of goodness over on her TikTok. She’s only got a few videos up at the moment, but we can’t wait to see more.
Our current favourite is her food-themed games recommendations – and not just because she recommends our very own P For Pizza…
@paulademing Some #boardgames to make you #hungry 🍕#fyp #boardgame #games #youhungrybuddy
♬ original sound - KaylaaHolleyy
Madeline Antolin
Madeline offers up game recommendations for kids, as well as grown-ups. Very handy if you have some little people in your life. Playing games from a young age is great and we love her recommendations for gamers under three! She’s also got the best of the best “my first...” game edition recommendations, to inspire you to play your favourites with your little ones.
We totally agree with Maddie’s two picks for non-gamer friends, they’re both great intros into the board gaming world!
@boardwithmaddy I’m always happy to bring games! ##boardgames ##boardgame ##boardgamegeek ##gamerfriends ##tabletopgames ##fyp ##greenscreen ##youready
♬ original sound - mark
Letsplayboardgames - jess & hypothemoose
Boardgame recommendations and a plushie moose – what’s not to love?! We might have been a little hurt for not making it into Jess’s top social deduction games, but we loved the games that she put on her list, so all is forgiven. We can’t wait to see the rest of her game recommendations based on your horoscope. Such a fun idea and perfectly executed.
Check out that perfect loop on her Ghost Blitz video!
@letsplayboardgames A quick game for those who don’t mind ghosts and spiteful glares! #boardgames #gamenight #partygames #fyp
♬ FEEL THE GROOVE - Queens Road, Fabian Graetz
Beneeta_k - Boardgames &Twitch
Slap bang in the middle of board game and Twitch Tok is Beneeta_k! With her passion for tabletop games, those epic Twitch streaming skills and her undying love for White Claw (a delicious, sparkling, alcoholic beverage), there’s tons of content to enjoy. While we feel personally attacked by this video, phases all board gamers should avoid (yes we’re guilty of this and no, we won’t stop), we love how relatable her videos are.
This really is how so many of our lives got flipped, turned upside down.
@beneeta_k Did you spot a game you like?! Comment which one! #boardgames #tabletop #gamenight #VideoSnapChallenge #gamer #ttrpg
♬ The Fresh Prince of Bel Air - wes
Kovraystudios - Tylor and Ilya
Boardgame enthusiasts and dog dads Tylor and Ilya are an absolute joy to watch. Their Australian Shepard Beasley is possibly the cutest dog ever and makes lots of guest appearances in their videos. We love doggo content! We also love their handy trick on how to pick which game to play. It’s absolutely genius and works for everything, not just board games.
You simply have to watch this, it’s the most wholesome video we have ever seen – Tylor and Ilya dance with their favourite games, we can’t even.
@kovraystudios Sometimes you just have to dance with your favorite games #boardgametiktok #dancing #notviral #boardgames #gamer #gaymer #tabletop
♬ I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross
Boredboardgames - Alex Garramone
We love the variety on Alex’s TikTok, where she covers a whole array of games, including a video on our very own The Chameleon! She’s also a huge Villainous fan and her Disney Villainous mega box creation video went viral. Warning: after watching Alex’s favourite themed versions of popular games, you will want to add them all to your collection.
We think this might just be the perfect explanation of how to play TomaTomato.
@boredboardgames Tomatomatomatotomatoto amirite? #boardgame #japanese #tomato #newgame #wordgame #tabletop #fyp
♬ Kawaii - Shallowave
Games.dmax.plays - Danielle Board Games
Fueled by delicious cold brew coffee, Danielle’s TikTok is a truly magnificent affair. There’s a seemingly endless supply of brilliantly edited videos full of personality and genuine lols for you to enjoy, so you will have zero regrets following her. ‘Going outside’ season is quickly approaching and now that it’s warming up, Danielle has a fantastic list of recommendations for games to take camping.
We also love these recommendations for “real” games you can get under $30.
@games.dmax.plays Some games can be super expensive, but there are many “real” games you can get on the cheaper side #boardgame #boardgame #tabletop #fyp #games #gaming
♬ oops! - Yung Gravy
Woosung.boardgames - Woosung
It’s Woosung the board game guy and he’s here to help you discover new games. He’s got a penchant for party games, as well as quick ‘n’ easy game experiences, so if you’re newer to the hobby than most, he has some fab recommendations, including Deep Sea Adventure (time to dive in, right?).
His Hues and Cues video went viral, and we can see why! It’s ace.
@woosung.boardgames Here is a round from the Hues and Cues, the party guessing game! #partygames #boardgames #playinggames #ganenight #tabletopgames
♬ Rasputin (7" Version) - Boney M.
And that’s our list (so far anyway!) Did we miss anyone? TikTok is proving to be an amazing platform to discover new things and see some awesome content, and we’re sure there are loads of other creators making head-turning tabletop content that we’re yet to discover. If you’d like to suggest your own or anyone else’s videos for our list, give us a tweet and we’ll give it a look. And if you fancy it, follow us on our very own TikTok, to catch the latest on all the new games we’ve got coming out really soon.